Recent Stumbles
Below are some of my latest statistical explorations. If any of the explanations or data sources are unclear in any of these posts,
feel free to get in touch via email, twitter, or skywriting. Preferably skywriting...
Below are some of my latest statistical explorations. If any of the explanations or data sources are unclear in any of these posts,
feel free to get in touch via email, twitter, or skywriting. Preferably skywriting...
Take a peak into the algorithm with this interactive graph...
The odds of someone hitting .400 this season may be better than you think...
Put on your Hamburglar costumes, Riddler fans! This week's Riddler takes a foray into racketeering...
As we have found out in recent weeks, words absolutely matter, especially coming from a President of the United States...
Let's take a comprehensive look at the divergent political geography of Colorado and its effect on the 2020 Senate race...
Because brackets are hard and chalk is for the faint of heart...
Learn Spanish and gamble all at the same time!!!
Based on how the American government was designed, not all votes are created equal...
Captain Blondebeard would be so proud...
Colorado's 6th Congressional District is a perfect example of why every turf matters...
This week's Riddler asks us to provide some restraint for an overeating goat before they graze a farmer out of business...
Depending on which statistics you look at, the Seattle Mariners had either the luckiest or unluckiest season in recent memory... #SchrodingersBaseballTeam
Got a riddle published in the Riddler: Life goal complete! Try your hand at a game I call 'Rock-Paper-Scissors-Hop'...