Recent Stumbles

Below are some of my latest statistical explorations. If any of the explanations or data sources are unclear in any of these posts,
feel free to get in touch via email, twitter, or skywriting. Preferably skywriting...

12 Jul 2020

Chasing .400

The odds of someone hitting .400 this season may be better than you think...

24 Aug 2019

Presidential Vocabulary

As we have found out in recent weeks, words absolutely matter, especially coming from a President of the United States...

04 Oct 2018

The (Un)Luckiest Season of All

Depending on which statistics you look at, the Seattle Mariners had either the luckiest or unluckiest season in recent memory... #SchrodingersBaseballTeam

15 Sep 2018

Riddler Submission

Got a riddle published in the Riddler: Life goal complete! Try your hand at a game I call 'Rock-Paper-Scissors-Hop'...